Mary Ann Wright
Board Chair
Courtney Johnson
Theodore "Teddy" Nelson
Shakeima T. Chatman
Charleston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. - Representative
Dolores Green
Charleston (SC) Chapter of the Links, Inc. - Representative
Teresa Hinson
Board Member
Terri H. Nichols
Board Member
Marietta Ascue Worthy
Board Member
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. I have the pleasure of serving and supporting Teacher’s Supply Closet (TSC) since 2016. This organization is dear to my heart, as I have also volunteered with Tri-County schools through other educational collaborations - Homework Centers, Lunch Buddies, and Job Shadow Days. Those volunteerism services presented great opportunities to interact with teachers and students while participating in their educational endeavors. My involvement with Teachers’ Supply Closet presented another lens to the plight of elevating educational goals. Through Teachers’ Supply Closet, I get to engage with teachers as they shop and pick up school supplies for their students. Teachers are a very special brand of professionals – their dedication to those whom they serve far exceeds any obstacles and challenges faced by students not having the tools to succeed. Our dedicated volunteers at TSC have another level of commitment that is immeasurable, their passion serving our teachers and students is among the best testimony that illustrates how TSC has evolved since 2005.
Personally, growing up in a military household, I observed parents who were the epitome of education and service – my father Edward joined a segregated military in 1946 and still excelled among some of the first ranked Chief Master Sergeants in the United States Air Force. My mother Mary was a dedicated volunteer with Family Services, a military organization that assisted and guided military families. Growing up in rural Charleston County, their educational and career journey were never easy or convenient, yet my parents consistently passed on compassionate wisdom, and through everything, they always modeled education and service to others. Therefore, I truly appreciate and embrace all that Teachers’ Supply Closet does to serve our Tri-County Title 1 schoolteachers and students.
I’m elated to serve this organization and share its story. In 2023, I was honored by Dominion Energy with the Benjamin J. Lambert III Volunteer of the Year award for my board service with Teachers’ Supply Closet and earned a Minority Board of Directors Certificate from the Metro Charleston Chamber of Commerce – both opportunities allowed me to share Teachers’ Supply Closet with national and local audiences.
Muhammad Ali and several others have quoted that “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” Teachers’ Supply Closet absolutely provides essential service to our Title 1 schools in the Tri-County area. It is a delightful privilege to invite all of you who are willing and able, to support Teachers’ Supply Closet and our teachers as we navigate our students through “meeting their educational and creative needs” while fulling our vision that every child in these identified schools will “have the school supplies they need to succeed in school.”
Kindest regards,
Mary Ann Wright